DAO Innovative Decentralized Autonomous Form ACF Meta Universe “Star Casting Project” officially launched

ACF Meta Universe “Star Casting Project” is officially launched. In order to meet the liquidity required in the initial stage of the ACF full-stack metauniverse financial agreement, Uniswap Foundation, YFI Kojin Lab and the American Wall Street investment giant Blackstone Group announced a strong alliance with the ACF full-stack metauniverse financial agreement and reached a strategic cooperation . Jointly create the “Star Casting Project” of the macro-world of Metaverse, and build a global autonomous community alliance based on the DAO governance contract.

The ACF “Star Casting Project” will also continue to bring greater benefits to ACF participants around the three cores of stability, endurance, and multiplication. Open the door to the meta universe world through the “Star Casting Project” and connect real-world financial applications with the meta universe world. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance will be composed of all participants of the Casting Star Project, which will reflect all consensus through the DAO governance contract, and collectively govern the ACF full-stack meta-universe financial agreement. Uniswap has previously announced that it will invest 500,000 UNIs to support ACF’s development of a decentralized financial ecosystem on Metaverse.

The first project of the ACF Star Project is to build a liquidity pot in the JUSTSWAP decentralized exchange. The liquidity pot will provide sufficient liquidity for ACF, so users can trade at any time without having to wait for another counterparty to appear and match the transaction. A larger ACF liquidity pot can reduce slippage and bring a better trading experience. The ACF liquidity pot will automatically increase or decrease the supply of corresponding tokens based on market purchase demand. The magnitude of price changes depends on the size of the transaction and is proportional to the size of the liquidity pot. Compared with trading, the larger the liquidity pot, the smaller the impact on prices.

Construct a global autonomous community alliance based on the DAO governance contract, which is composed of all the participants of the Star Casting Project. Through the DAO governance contract, all consensus is reflected, and the ACF full-stack meta-universal financial agreement is collectively governed. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance has no formal leadership, so it is decentralized; any member is allowed to make decisions, so it is autonomous. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance is task-driven, and the main goal is to create value, with profits ranking second. Once a member of the DAO, everyone is related to the success of the project. Each member’s contribution will be motivated in terms of income, and spontaneously contribute their best labor to the project.

The ACF Global Community Alliance has created a high degree of consensus and will realize a decentralized financial ecology through the meta-universe world. The launch of the “Star Casting Project” will be an important part of ACF’s global value enhancement and a sustainable development environment. Among the participating users of the ACF Star Project, institutional participants or ordinary users have the same rights and interests. This is a rare investment opportunity in 2021.

HundredDAO, a new perspective for the possibility of NFTs and DAO

HundredDAO is a gathering of 10,000 Hundred NFT owners who may be fans for Game and DAO. “HundredDAO combines anonymous, playability, and also decentralized autonomous governance together, users are not only a DAO member, but also can enjoy playing games embedded in the system.” Said by Miler Ada, the founder of HundredDAO.

In HundredDAO system, they have Hundred NFT, Hundred Market, Hundred Guild and Hundred Fund. HundredDAO members will share all the profits generated from NFT sales, transactions, upgrades, funds and game guild.

Hundred NFT

The Hundred NFT is a collection of 10,000 exclusive NFTs. There are 3 levels due to the originally rarity: R(Rare), SR(Super Rare) and SSR(Specially Super Rare). R and SR can be leveled up to SSR via composition, transaction, minting, etc.

The Hundred NFT will be distributed through Whitelist(Pre-sale), Airdrop, and Public-sale.

Join the airdrop and whitelist here: wn.nr/2kH7LT

Hundred Market

The Hundred Market will open to all the users around the world. It will support the listing and advertising for those projects Hundred Fund invests in, and also games projects winning the vote of Hundred Guild by the traffic it attracts. And members can also trade game equipment in Hundred Market.Then it will build a positive ecosystem within the HundredDAO platform.

Hundred Guild

Hundred Guild is a Play-to-Earn gaming guild. Members of Hundred Guild collectively votes for what game to play, what game studios to cooperate with. It will provide a chatting tool for members to communicate and share experience for playing games.

For the games which need their original NFT as a ticket to play, users can use Hundred NFT as collateral on Hundred market and exchange for an aimed game NFT. Then they can play the game without buying new NFTs. They have Hundred NFT and can exchange others, it will lower the threshold of playing NFT games. All the rules and risk control system will make Hundred NFT a deflation model, so users will always enjoy play to earn on HundredDAO platform.

Hundred Fund

Hundred Fund manages funds from stakers and part of HundredDAO profits through Hundred NFT sales and transactions, and Hundred Guild earnings. The fund will be invested in Crypto, DeFi and NFTs which are voted by HundredDAO members. The profit will be divided into 2 parts: one part will be shared with stakers and DAO members and another part will be used to buy back Hundred NFT which will be a way for the exit mechanism.

“We hope that by establishing HundredDAO, we can find the exclusive 100 members with common goals to jointly build the community, and share all the profits we make. HundredDAO may not be the ultimate solution for GAMEFI and DAO, but we will continue working for the common wealth of the industry.” Said by the founder of HundredDAO.

HundredDAO provides a new perspective for the possibility of NFTs and we hope there may be more great projects in the market to bring the market greater ideas and vitality.

Website: https://www.HundredDAO.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HundredDAO
Discord: https://discord.io/HundredDAO
Telegram: https://t.me/HundredDAO
Medium: https://medium.com/@HundredDAO

A Chia Fork Coin claims to be a Fair Chia alternative. Does Silicoin worth a look?

A new cryptocurrency that claims to be more fair, safe, and long-term debuted in trading recently. The virtual coin, called Silicoin(SIT) and forked from the Chia Network, advertises itself as “a fair and safe alternative” to Chia.

Despite their recent astronomical performance, cryptocurrencies are lately coming under fire for their massive carbon footprints. “Mining” virtual coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum uses tons of energy as the machines behind these networks churn away at solving equations. For miners’ efforts—paying bills to operate powerful computers that confirm transactions on the blockchain, the distributed ledger technology underpinning cryptocurrencies—they receive coins as a reward (The process is called “Proof Of Work”). Thus, Chia presents an alternative to the status quo, relying on a process that it claims is far less energy-intensive than mining.

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What is the Silicoin Network

Although Chia seems to provide many benefits, the price of XCH still crashed, and many miners have to sell SSDs and HDDs. On the other hand, we knew that there were monopolies by HPool and some big miners in Chia Network.

Therefore, we urgently need a more fair, timeproof, and safe decentralized network ecosystem. Thus, as the best supplement of Chia Network, Silicoin came into being.

Silicoin combines a solution to the flaws of traditional mining by forming a new and unique mining logic. It aims to balance PoW and PoS truly and meets the original intention of Bitcoin and Chia: to make mining with ordinary equipment happen and to have the blockchain genuinely decentralized. Simple understanding, Silicoin added the staking function based on the Chia network. Thus, Silicoin is an upgrade of Chia that has staking.

Till December, Silicoin has more than 85,000 blockchain addresses in the network, more than 20,000 members in the community, more than 1500 PiB Netspace(calculated according to the staking formula) in mining daily.

How does Silicoin work?

In the traditional process of producing blocks, the more plots miners have, the greater the probability that they will be selected to produce blocks. However, there is a big difference in Silicoin Network. In Silicoin consensus system, the Individual Difficulty of every miner could be lower by staking SIT. As we all know, the lower the difficulty coefficient, the greater the probability of being selected to produce the block. That is to say, the miners who stake SIT are easier to win the blocks.


The improvements of Silicoin work

Compared to Chia network, the miners will buy or keep more SIT for staking so that their mining income will be higher if they want to obtain higher returns. Then the staking will stimulate the demand for SIT tokens, and we can forecast that the price and value of SIT will keep rising in the long term. It solves Chia’s embarrassment – The price of XCH keeps dumping.

What’s more, the more plots Chia miners have, the greater the probability that they will be selected to produce blocks in the past. But in Silicoin network, the profit of the big miner who mines Silicoin without staking SIT is possible to be lower than the smaller miners who stake SIT more than the size of its plot. Therefore, it helps prevent the monopoly in mining and make a more miner-friendly environment for all Chia miners.

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The future

Silicon’s economic logic finds the use case of its token – SIT avoids the monopoly of giants’ monopoly and helps many miners increase their profits. In other words, Silicoin solved two big challenges of Chia and found a new way for the mining industry.

The idea of Silicoin has the potential to reduce the egregious electricity costs that traditional protocols otherwise procure and makes SIT tokens integrate into its long-term ecosystem and form a complete economic circle. As a result, it is definitely far more attractive to miners than similar projects.

Silicoin Road Map

The future is expected, the future is came, the future is blockchain, the future is Silicoin.

Wine Chain[WINE]

A joint initiative of eight famous French wineries, through the development and construction of the Defi+NFT+Gamefi chain of superb ecology! This allows the French wineries to count the preferences of a huge number of wine loving users from all over the world!

The first eco-ecology “Rich Fruit Farmers” is here!

Everyone is a fruit farmer, everyone can get rich, hard work is the most reliable wealth!

The game is only a basic version and is still relatively thin. The model is simple and easy to replicate, accelerated by planting vines and buying organic fertiliser, highlighting the extremely good planting output capacity. It will also continue to serve every fruit farmer to get rich in the time to come!

Smart investors are going to rush to buy vines and then buy organic fertilizers so as to accelerate the generation of income as the returns are huge. With the superb input-output ratio of the Get Rich Fruit Farmer game, WINE sales are sure to keep breaking new highs in the future. This step will also lay the foundations for WINE’s entry into the metaverse infrastructure!

Rich Fruit Farmer uses the simplest and most effective way to enrich every participating farmer: 1.

1. Double market referral reward model for vines + organic fertilizer.

2. A model for farmers to grow vines with high returns.

We will focus on the GameFi field, as long as the GameFi is good and strong, the game will bring its own SocialFi function.

Social gaming is the future trend of social networking. This is the reason why traditional social software, such as Facebook, has lost its huge youth market. Social tribes are constantly being segmented, see the rise of Discord for example. The diversity of scenarios that games provide for social interaction strengthens the tribes, and games can bring more social interaction as a result.

Social gaming will be the way of the future.

The meta-universe will be the main battleground in the future “GameFi linked SocialFi race”.

We understand that for users and players, time is the most scarce resource.

We use the ultimate simple reward and income mechanism, the Wine Chain WINE token, to enable users and players to earn significant wealth while participating in farming.

After all, the growth of wealth is a common human desire.

Therefore, for those of you who are willing to invest your time in the Wealthy Fruit Farmers ecosystem, the best reward we can offer is real money.

We also understand: the only way to upgrade a massively multiplayer land buying, planting, picking and brewing game to a meta-universe is to generate enthusiasm for continuous participation from users and players.

The Future Wine Chain WINE ecology is dedicated to creating new possibilities for the meta-universe, and we will build the WINE meta-universe by revolutionising the social and gaming paradigm.

BSC Coinan Smart Chain! PancakeSwap to buy!

[WINE] Unique Contract Address: 0x89c7ff169050bd0b1ceadf55931811c2e806d5ab


Silicoin 2nd AMA Summary on 27th Nov

Hello every one, the AMA starts now.

1. If there are multiple computers in one fingerprint, the pledge remains unchanged, but the number of pledged farmland in the computer wallet is the actual number of farmland, and the total number remains unchanged. Can a total number of pledges be shared by multiple computers? It should be that the number of farmland corresponding to the pledge has changed. The figure shows the total number of pledges in each wallet. It can be seen that different farmland corresponds to one pledge number, and each computer’s fingerprint farmland corresponds to the same total number of fingerprint pledges. If I open a virtual machine and divide it into n wallets for farming, will the income increase n times?

Separating wallets for farming will not increase revenue. The principle is straightforward. According to the address generated by the farmer public key of the plot file, the focus is clear. The stake to this address will be read when finding the proof and verifying the block. The balance of the address has nothing to do with the number of wallets.

2.The harvester mode can only be pledged to the wallet of the master node. The number of harvester farmland cannot be seen in the staking.

If you load the sit farm summary on the machine running the farmer service, you can see the number of plot files.

3. How timelord or other farmer verify that block winner or proof founder are not cheating the staking balance? please point out the part of code that do something like this verification.

The staking amount would affect the individual difficulty, which would affect VDF, the iteration of finding the proof. So basically, we don’t directly validate the staking amount, but validate the proof when receiving or syncing the blocks. You can find the code changes mainly in consensus folder.

4. Possible dev adding more info regard the difficult and netspace farming to show how many coin need to stake

Yes. It has been added into our schedule.

5. What about promised 1:1 split testnet- mainnet ?

Again and for the last time, Silicoin has never promised that tSIT will be exchanged for SIT 1:1. As mentioned in the earliest version of the whitepaper, all tSITs produced during the testnet phase will be exchanged for 500,000 SITs. Maybe some people had false information.

6. When do you expect to release a new whitepaper/roadmap and what changes should be expected?

At present, there will be no new changes to the white paper. However, about Silicoin’s roadmap and.future plan, please read this article https://www.sitnetwork.org/post/road-map-future-plan-_the-great-voyage-of-silicoin

7.You’ve done staking, people need SIT for getting better income, this way you get demand and high price on exchange. Sooner or later demand will drop after saturation of people staking wallets and this will drop SIT price too. What’s your next plans, will you support demand with other things, improvements or developments?

It is a good question. First of all, let’s talk about how the relationship between SIT’s future circulation and price may happen.As we all known, when the circulaion is more than netspace, the price of SIT is going to drop.

The initial premine is 1 million SIT but there are only 500,000 in circulation. Besdies,the daily output is 4608 SIT. It means the total mining output of 1st year is 1,681,920 SIT. So the maximum circulating 1 year later is around 2.1 millions.In other words,the price will not dump if the netspace could reach 2100 PiB. Honestly, it is not too difficult for Silicoin network to reach 2100PiB. Therefore, we can be optimistic that the price of SIT will be stay in a reasonable range.

However,staking should not be the only way that keep the price be stable. We must find the use cases for SIT as you mentioned. In fact, our team has made a plan since the mainnet launched.

1. We are exploring the possibility of using different addresses to stake. For example,A has 100 SIT but he dosnt has any plots. B has 100 plots but dosnt has SIT coins.If B could stake for A,then share the profits in a setted way, that it is cool, right? It could solve many problems such as the security of private key. But all this is still hypothetical. Our technical team has also made some proposals for this, but so far we have not found a solution that can be implemented.

2. Chia is very suitable for payment, Defi and NFT.Especially now that CAT is released,we will follow the pace of chia development and study how to merge these important functions into Silicoin.

3. NFT & GameFi is the most popular topic at the moment.Actually,there are some cooperation between Silicoin and other projects who focus on developing games on chain. We will make a statement after the cooperation is confirmed.

4. According to our whitepaper, we have a initail idea about the application node in step3. These nodes provides SIT mixing service and it will be an important use case for Silicoin in the future.

8. When will SIT finish SMART contract , DeFI . or something like that

I think it is a similar question with the last one. We are studying the codes of chia now and will merge them once we confirm there is no conflict with Silicoin. What we need to do at this stage is to found the underlying architecture of Silicoin and release more functions step by step in the future.

9.Why dont you list SILI on Binace exchange, Okex Exchange or Top 10 Exchange?

When SIT listed in trusted exchange? Citex is not tracked by coinmarketcap. I suggest small exchange but have “high confidence rating” in coinmarketcap like HOTBIT, LBANK, COINEX, or GATE.IO which already listed Chia.

We have also noticed the problem you mentioned.The marketing team is currently in the process of talking with some exchanges, and I believe there will be good news for everyone next month. In addition, our exchange listing plan is divided into three stages, gradually landing on larger and more popular exchanges.

The AMA today ends here. If you have other questions, please DM me. I will update the questions and answers on this channel.

Link guide between BUT and USDT

From the perspective of opportunity analysis, there is no other outlet that is hotter than cryptocurrency. High-speed investment income and profit growth provide motivation for the influx of the blockchain market. The predictable return of funds provides investors with protection and enthusiasm. Soaring. The wind has come, and actively embracing the trend is better than passively participating in the wave. Speed and timing are very important.


As we all know, the biggest advantage of USDT is that it can ensure that investors’ assets in the currency circle do not shrink with the market. It is equivalent to the same amount of U.S. dollars, 1USDT=1 U.S. dollar, making it a good choice in the volatile cryptocurrency market. Hedged tokens. BUT uses the USDT exchange channel as the entry point to establish an integrated digital economic ecology that is integrated with the existing blockchain ecosystem, and at the same time integrates digital asset management, transactions, financial services, cross-chain interaction, DApp distribution, etc. With multiple functions, BUT is also an application combination of DeFi+USDT.

In the future, BUT will continue to meet user requirements for various digital asset services. At the same time, it will integrate finance, transactions, new meta-universe ecology, chain games, public chain cold wallets, decentralized storage, data applications, and NFT art. The series of behaviors are aggregated in the landing application of BUT, standing on the highest point of the entire industry, creating a national blockchain application platform for all walks of life around the world, and achieving ecological prosperity under the support of the BUT payment underlying system!


In addition, BUT’s revenue mechanism is also a key point for attracting users to hold coins. The total amount of BUT issuance is 1 billion. Every user can participate in the BUT whitelist through a decentralized wallet. BUT whitelist users can get BUT tokens every day according to the amount of USDT in the decentralized wallet. The total whitelist user income is 3 100 million BUT (the more you deposit, the more you earn); BUT whitelist users can also get BUT candies by sharing, and the total candies is 200 million BUT (the more you share, the more candies); new users participate for the first time , Contact BUT official to get 10 TRX.

It can be seen from the distribution mechanism of BUT tokens that whitelist participants and promoters only need to deposit USDT through their own decentralized wallets to obtain BUT tokens, and participants do not have any investment risk. Participants and promoters work with the BUT community to promote the consensus of BUT in the global blockchain industry, so as to achieve the market value of BUT tokens.

This kind of operation mechanism of BUT is risk-free, ultra-low threshold, and no bubbles. Every participant in the system can benefit from the dedication and indirectly promote the development of the entire ecology. The amount of USDT in the user’s wallet complements BUT, etc. Value exchange, together to form an endless loop, the recommendation reward and profit mechanism create unlimited value-added and create an infinite loop route.


We also hope that with the new trend of BUT development, more members will join the BUT global community, look at the world with a new perspective, look at the blockchain, and jointly leverage the leverage of wealth!

FarmingHub has received angel investment from X Force Foundation

Chia can be said to be the most popular mining coin this year. It is a powerful, fair and green project and many geeks be its crazy fans. Then a market with a scale of nearly trillions has been formed.

With Chinese government ban the bitcoin mining industry, Chia be popular again recently because of its concept and excellent ecosystem. As the world’s leading Chia & Chia Forks information service center, FarmingHub is committed to becoming a hub and bridge between enterprises and users in the Chia & Chia Forks ecosystem, providing Chia fans around the world with the most complete and up-to-date ecological information and data. In the early of October, FarmingHub received an angel investment from the X Force Foundation.X FORCE Foundation is a professional investment institution focusing on blockchain infrastructure, DeFi, NFT, GameFi and mining. It has successfully invested in blockchain projects such as IPFS, Hopr, and participated in private equity such as Chia Network and Immutable.

Why did the price of XCH crash? How is Chia mining in the future?

As a Chia miner, you must remember its great time in this early year. However, the good times did not last long. As its token XCH goes online, both of the price of hard drives and XCH keep dumping. But why did the price of XCH crash? How is XCH in the future?


Why does XCH keep dumping?

Many people complained that Chia because of its price crash. What is the reason?

  1. The ecosystem of Chia is not mutual yet, which means there is no use case of XCH at the moment. So the only way that miners deal with their XCH is selling them and the price down because there is few people demand to buy.

2. There are many whales in the early stage. A well-known whale is Hpool. They got many XCH with low cost and it is more like to do charity if the chia team pump the price.

We can say that chia team is so wise. They choose the right way that focus on developing technology and ecosystem.

Although XCH is in a short-term recession, it can be expected in the future

Although it seems that the price of XCH has been falling, you should be confident as long as you know enough about Chia. Why?

1. Chia has excellent technical strength. The starting point of the Chia project itself is completely different from other projects. It unlike other projects that evolved and improved from BTC and ETH, it is a completed unique underlying logic. And if you know a little bit of technology, I recommended you check the codes of the project, you can find the design of chia is really Bram Cohen style.

2. The background of the Chia team is very strong in the industry. Having obtained investment from well-known institutions such as A16z, those institutions only invest the projects after carefully studied. What is more, chia team got enough funds to develop for several years. So we do not need to worry too much that the project will die on the half way.

3. Chia has accumulated a large number of miners around the world in a very short time, and the number is very shocking. Compared to other projects, chia did an amazing job in the past.

In summary, the most cost-effective way to make chia great at present is to upgrade the technology and build the ecosystem from Chia’s official point of view.

We could estimate that there will be no big action until the ecosystem getting more and more mature. However, it is also a very good time to get XCH with low costs.

Chia is not alone, there is an supplement

As a chia supporter and miner, I always think about how I should do with chia plots in the future. In fact, everyone has the same confuse and we have some choices.

In the process of Chia’s downturn, many chia fork projects appeared. But do they worth to mine?

To be honest, many of them are the pure copies of Chia, which are no any worth now even future. Why? Because they do not have the use cases as Chia and they even do not have the strong background and technology as Chia. If they do something new based on chia network, we should observe them. But unfortunately, only Silicoin and Chives have their own thoughts and they may make some differences in the future.

I am mining Silicoin with my chia plots and planning to join Chives. As a project based on Chia’s research and development, Silicoin supports chia OG & NFT plots, which is easy for chia miners.

Compare to Chia network, Silicoin added the staking function on the Chia network. So the miners have to buy or keep more SIT for staking then it can help to increase the mining income. Then the staking will stimulate the demand for SIT tokens and we can forecast the price and value of SIT will keep rising in a long term period. It solves the Chia price crash problem.

Silicoin just launched their mainnet with staking yesterday and we still need to observe its performance. Anyway, it seems that joining some chia forks to increase our revenue is the best way to be patient to wait XCH pump. The future is coming, isn’t it?

The X force foundation invested 3 million US dollars in the Top Guild

Blockchain-based virtual world games are closely related to the abstract concept of the metaverse. The metaverse aims to be a space for the digital world, allowing anyone to socialize and profit through virtual experiences. When we talk about the metaverse, the first thing that comes to our mind is definitely GameFi, which is undoubtedly the most popular field at the moment.

Therefore, the X force Foundation chose to cooperate with Top Guild, a decentralized game association. Top Guild is a one-stop chain game ecosystem service provider. Regarding this cooperation, X force has invested around 3 million US dollars.

Top Guild is a decentralized game association dedicated to providing one-stop chain game services such as model calculation, strategy research, script development, and hosting services for all GameFi enthusiasts. Top Guild earns game assets by investing in blockchain games, trains game players, rents game assets, and creates a business model that enhances the virtual economy of the metaverse, and promotes the creation of the world’s largest virtual world economy.

What is more, Top Guild has a very strong background. Its core members come from Nintendo, EA game development, French Ubisoft Singapore game studio, Japan Koei Tecmo, and other technical and operational talents. At present, the TG Chain Game Association has established branch associations in most parts of the world.

Uniswap Foundation and other leading institutions help “Star Casting Project” to achieve ACF global value enhancement

Recently, the Uniswap Foundation, YFI Kojin Laboratory, and the American Wall Street investment giant Blackstone Group announced a strong alliance with the ACF full-stack meta-universe financial agreement and reached a strategic cooperation. Jointly build the “Star Casting Project” of the macro-world of Metaverse, and build a global autonomous community alliance based on the DAO governance contract. It is particularly worth noting that Uniswap will invest 500,000 UNIs to support ACF’s development of a decentralized financial ecosystem on Metaverse.

Uniswap is the largest decentralized exchange in the DeFi field and one of the top applications of Ethereum. Uniswap is undoubtedly the leader of DEX due to the explosion of Uniswap and the substantial increase in transaction volume. Uniswap stated that it will invest 500,000 UNIs to build an ACF liquidity pot through a new economic model.

According to the latest data from debank, the total lock-up volume of DeFi has reached US$258.9 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1621%. The 24-hour transaction volume of the head project Uniswap is close to US$1 billion and the number of users reached 2.79 million. After several years of development, the existing DeFi projects on the market have reached a certain scale due to the basic maturity of technology and business, and have withstood the test of the market, attracting the favor of many investors. Uniswap Foundation also assists the early development of many high-quality projects with its unique investment vision.

Uniswap Full Guide: How To Make Money Yield Farming - Asia Crypto Today

Uniswap is different from traditional exchanges. It provides a liquidity pool for the exchange of ETH and ERC20 tokens. It uses smart contracts to implement a decentralized trust trading mechanism. It does not custody users’ assets. There are no registration, identity verification and withdrawal restrictions, etc. Freely deposit tokens for exchange, transaction users do not need to perform pending orders, realize buy and sell on demand, free withdrawal, increase transaction speed and speed up confirmation time, and optimize user transaction experience.

The ACF full-stack Meta universe financial protocol is a community-driven digital product that builds a decentralized economy, allowing players to control what they do in a decentralized open source world. In terms of financial services and exchanges, the ACF full-stack Meta universe financial protocol will play another important role here.

The ACF full-stack Meta universe financial protocol is built using TRX, which is composed of a Solidity language decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and a web-side decentralized application (dApp). ACF proposed the Metaverse 4+N investment framework, from the direction of the underlying architecture, back-end infrastructure, front-end equipment, scene content, etc., digital products driven by the community to build a decentralized economy, allowing players to control their decentralized What is done in the open source world. ACF has reproduced a set of financial systems on the blockchain by proceduralizing financial contracts, providing players with a variety of applications including stablecoins, lending, exchanges, derivatives, fund management, lottery, payment, and insurance.

In this strategic cooperation, major institutions are unanimously optimistic about the ACF “Star Casting Project” and jointly form the ACF Metaverse Global Community Alliance. ACF aims to open the door to the meta universe world through the “Star Casting Project” and connect real-world financial applications with the meta universe world. The ACF Global Autonomous Community Alliance will be composed of all the participants of the Casting Star Project, which will reflect all consensus through the DAO governance contract, and collectively govern the ACF full-stack meta-universe financial agreement. The ACF “Star Casting Project” will also continue to bring greater benefits to ACF participants around the three cores of stability, endurance and multiplication.

The ACF Global Community Alliance has built a high degree of consensus and will realize a decentralized financial ecology through the meta-universe world. The smooth development of the “Star Casting Project” is an important part of ACF’s global value enhancement. The ACF full-stack meta universe financial agreement will reach a trillion market value just around the corner.